Introduction To The Blog

So what is Hemp? The biggest misconception about Hemp is that its marijuana but that's incorrect. It's part of the cannabis family but they are two completely different plants. You cannot get "high" from Hemp.

Its long fibrous stalk has been used to make clothing and rope for thousands of years. Hemp seed is high in protein, it contains all amino acids, and rich in omega-3 fats it has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years.

Hemp is the ultimate renewable resource the possibilities and uses are endless. One acre of hemp produces more paper than one acre of trees and hemp can be replanted every six months

The USDA reported in 1916 that an acre of hemp produced as much paper as four acres of trees annually.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

United States Dept of Agriculture - Hemp for Victory

A film created by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture during World War 2 which aimed to encourage patriotic farmers to grow Hemp to help aid war efforts. After the war the government denied the films existence and continued to prosecute and encarcerate growers and users of Hemp and marijuana.